国产精品美女久久久,精品一区二区三区蜜桃,久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆小说 ,日本成人大片香蕉视频

Under the same blue sky, we all love one home-the Department of Environmental Health in Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School-“Little school, big school" Volunteer activities- into the waste incineration power station

Garbage and our lives are closely related. All aspects of our food, clothing, shelter and transportation will produce a large amount of garbage, however, where is the final destination of this garbage? With such questions in our minds, volunteers from the Environmental Health Department of Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School went to the Chengdu Jiujiang Environmental Power Generation Co. , Ltd. to find out the answer. First of all, under the leadership of the staff, the volunteers came to the publicity conference room and watched the cartoon “Garbage Power Environmental Tour”, so that the children have a certain understanding of the whole process of turning waste into treasure, the power plant staff explained to the volunteers the general process of waste disposal: collection-incineration-power generation (Heat)-incineration of the products, the whole process is highly mechanized, 2,300 tons of garbage are disposed every day. Then, guided by staff, the volunteers visited a control center, a garbage fermentation pit and a power plant. What shocked the students most was the garbage pond, which was the first stop for garbage disposal. It was several storeys high. After the garbage was sent from all over the city, the grab of the two garbage cranes is like an octopus that grabs garbage into the furnace for incineration and power generation, and waste water is also disposed of in the collection tank in a unified way so that it can be discharged harmlessly. The slag left over from incineration can also be used to make bricks. In the control center, the staff can control the garbage incineration through the electronic operation in each workshop. In the course of the visit, the volunteers also asked the engineers a lot of questions about waste incineration, the engineers patiently explained. Uncle Liu Zhenghong, head of the Environmental Sanitation Department of the Urban Management Bureau, who accompanied the team, also explained to the volunteers the importance of waste classification, and in the process, our volunteers realized that if every household practiced garbage classification, the environment would be better and the Earth would be more green.







Through this volunteer experience activity, students not only have a better understanding of the garbage incineration process of power generation, growth of knowledge, but also improve their environmental awareness. Volunteers have said that creating a beautiful home should start from a young age and start from a small task. They hope to reduce waste through their own practical actions, scientifically handle garbage, effectively classify garbage, reduce environmental pollution, and take action to protect our common home.


? 2009-2024 All Rights Reserved Chengdu Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School Shu ICP 11001041 technical support:雙揚(yáng)科技
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