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Hello, Shuangliu Experimental Primary School

Good morning students, staff, and faculty,

I’m a new teacher here. My name is Dan and I come from New Zealand. I’ve been a teacher for 6 years now, previously in Beijing, and it’s truly an honor to join you at this school.



New beginnings are very exciting. As we open this new semester, we are greeted by so many possibilities for fun, happiness, and growth.

School is a place of learning. It requires great effort and hard work, but together with your friends I know you’ll all do very well this year and have a happy time in your classes.



Please know that your teachers all care about you very much. We will also be working very hard, because we want you all to learn, grow, and have lots of fun - both inside and outside the classroom. We will always be here to help you.


I look forward to seeing all of you in class and hearing what your bright young minds have to say. I hope that you’re also looking forward to our time together. I’ll see you all soon.


Have a good semester, everybody. Thank you.



? 2009-2024 All Rights Reserved Chengdu Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School Shu ICP 11001041 technical support:雙揚(yáng)科技
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