国产精品美女久久久,精品一区二区三区蜜桃,久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆小说 ,日本成人大片香蕉视频

Chengdu Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School

Our school dedicates itself to the principles of "developing the school through culture, communication with management, and concept guidance". We practice a core managerial ideology centered on "respect and caring", set up management organizations effectively, and regulate the management process scientifically. Because of this, we are able to open up management subjects boldly, integrate diversified management methods, and innovate management evaluation actively.


In order to cultivate the development of well-rounded students with "four key proficiencies", our school has built up a holistic "wellbeing-focused” curriculum system. First, our school has strengthened the school-based implementation of the national curriculum in order to build "fun" courses that promote students' intellectual development; In addition to academics, our school has improved the teaching model of "Health Literacy + Basic Sport Skills + Special Sport Skills" to raise the level of sports in education. The school has also implemented an aesthetic education system that is deeply integrated within and outside of the classroom through the class concerts, calligraphy exhibitions, and activities such as "Thousands of People Painting Together". Finally, our school carries out a labor education programme featuring life skills and career courses to cultivate labor literacy.


Our school actively integrates resources and engenders the characteristic construction of a school-based curriculum. We have built a student center named "Small School, Big Community" which supports the construction of a "suitability-focused" moral education curriculum. We have launched special STEM courses, “maker” courses, and programming courses to cultivate students' innovative abilities. In addition to these, we focus on students' mental health and development through mental health education courses. In order to broaden our students’ international horizons, we have launched elective courses such as Thai, French, and Japanese and have participated in exchange courses with foreign sister schools.

Our school has been making efforts to build a teaching team that exhibits the "four high" concept as its teacher training goal, characterized by "lofty ideals", "noble character", "profound specialty" and "broad feelings". We have successfully cultivated 5 provincial and municipal super principals and teachers, and we boast more than 100 famous and excellent teachers at all levels.


Adhering to the concept of "the integration of five educations", our school has developed a mechanism for comprehensive quality evaluation, innovated the evaluation method, and promoted the evaluation reform of "the integration of six aspects". This entails academic evaluation through games, moral education evaluation set in life experience, aesthetic education evaluation through display, labor education evaluation within context, and sports evaluation through competition.


Our school adheres to the concept of "developing the school through scientific research" and uses research as the guide to deeply promote curriculum reform, enhance the quality of teaching, promote the all-round development of students, and achieve professional development of teachers. Our accomplished researchers have been presented with many national and provincial awards.


With the aim of "building a modern, high-quality school with deep foundations, vitality, elegance, and individuality", the core value of our school culture has been established:   "to respect differences, to let every life bloom"; it is clear that our school is striving to create a "Wellbeing Education" by specifying a clear educational vision that allows the virtues and talents of every life to fully flow.


With the brilliant sunrise, our school is striding forward on a new journey to create a more brilliant future!

? 2009-2024 All Rights Reserved Chengdu Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School Shu ICP 11001041 technical support:雙揚科技
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