国产精品美女久久久,精品一区二区三区蜜桃,久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆小说 ,日本成人大片香蕉视频

International students celebrate Chinese Lantern Festival

International students from Jiangsu University learned about the traditional Chinese customs of Lantern Festival, which falls on Feb 11 this year.

The international students celebrated with local residents in a community in Zhenjiang City of Jiangsu province on Feb 10, 2017.

The students, mainly from Zambia, Ghana, India, and Zimbabwe took part in some activities including making and eating sweet dumplings and guessing lantern riddles.

International students learn about Chinese customs during the Lantern Festival with local residents. [Photo/Shi Yucheng]

International student learn to make sweet dumplings with local residents. [Photo/Shi Yucheng]

A student presents sweet dumplings he made himself. [Photo/Shi Yucheng]

Local residents and international students taste homemade sweet dumplings. [Photo/Shi Yucheng]

An international student guesses lantern riddles with a local resident. [Photo/Shi Yucheng]

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