国产精品美女久久久,精品一区二区三区蜜桃,久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆小说 ,日本成人大片香蕉视频

Happy Chinese

"Happy Chinese" 

--Teacher He Yanli introduced her new reading course.


On November2nd, Teacher He Yanli shared a reading lesson with all the Chinese teachers in Grade 5.

Throughout this lesson, the teachers demonstrated their basic language skills and their strong reading ability. As a result of this lesson, there will be more methods and strategies to guide the children in future lessons.

Teacher He then led the students in reading the cover, title, contents etc. Students acquired new reasoning strategies and were able to deduce aspects of the story based upon what they had read. According to the topic and contents, they could predict future developments in the story. The children thoroughly enjoyed the lesson and the strategies they gained will allow them to obtain more enjoyment when reading in the future.



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