国产精品美女久久久,精品一区二区三区蜜桃,久久精品国产亚洲av麻豆小说 ,日本成人大片香蕉视频

Welcome to English corner


It's warm in spring. Our new semester had begun in March. Daniel was waiting for the children on the first Friday afternoon.  He had prepared a new topic for the children of grade 4. Daniel divided the food into three categories, drinks, main courses and desserts.  For example: orange juice and coca cola for drinks; lemon sorbet and chocolate cake for dessert; pizza and cheese burger for main courses, and so on. 


    They talked about food in the restaurant. Daniel asked three questions: “What do you want to drink? "

 "What do you want for dessert?"

"What do you want for your main course?"

And then, he led them to answer: “I want...please."

    At first, the children discussed what they wanted with Daniel, then they talked together.  They stood in a line and asked and answered one after the other. All of them had a chance to participate.


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