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Planning First, Starting off with a New Look

Planning First, Starting off with a New Look

03/16/2018 Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental Primary School

Discussion activities of research and studies planning from Famous Principal Mao Fengming workroom, shuangliu district in the first quarter of 2018.



Spring is a season full of endless hope, expecting and attractive. So supervisors and trainees of Famous Principal Mao Fengming workroom, shuangliu district converged in Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental Primary School on an afternoon of this spring, which was a curtain-raiser to the activities of research and studies in this semester.


On the afternoon of March 14th, 2018, under the organization of Mao Fengming, supervisor of Famous Principal Mao Fengming workroom, shuangliu district, all the members of the workroom studied and discussed the plan of research and studies.


Firstly, supervisor Mao Fengming looked back on workroom’s fruit of research and studies last semester, rethink the shortcomings profoundly and emphasized this semester’s demand for research and studies.


Then, the supervisor organized the trainees to study this semester’s planning for research and studies. She mentioned that in this semester’s activities of research and studies, there are two points we need to pay attention to: the Course goal behind the school educational aim and the school-based implementation of the national curriculum. In order to realize these two points, we must take the 4-one measures, which include making one objective clear, using one method, creating one mode and transforming one assessment. Specifically, it’s necessary to clear the requirements of country, the relationship between various hot points of reformation, school educational aim, and curriculum objectives, realize the school-based implementation of the national curriculum, study the study mode of students, and reform the assessment of students. Principal Mao also mentioned that we need to catch the core of the theme of workroom in the course of study, which will let us rethink the rationality and scientificity of school curriculum construction


In order to realize the aim of workroom this semester, supervisor suggested 3 guarantee mechanisms: theoretical learning, thematic learning activities and live assessment.


Besides, trainees passionately talked about and deeply discussed the plan. Ying Xiuying combined the content of research and studies of workroom with our school’s “4+X” curriculum construction.


Lastly, Supervisor left some works for the trainees and organized the recent activities, which made trainees know what they will study and how they will study.


The Beginning of Spring

March is full of the feeling of spring, the green of grass, the perfume of flower, and the hope for the future. Famous Principal Mao Fengming workroom, shuangliu district starts off with a new look in this hopeful spring.

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