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Learning through play, growing through communication

Learning through play, growing through communication
—Newsletter of ChenBi Mingshi Studio, Shuangliu Experimental Primary School Education Group


On December 23, 2019, a new seminar was held by ChenBi studio. 

At the beginning of the class, Teacher Zhang Yan conducted a passionate warm-up activity.


During the class, Teacher Zhang was calm and her clear teaching ideas, interlocking teaching links and high enthusiasm impressed other members.

After the class, members had a lively discussion and expressed their opinions in succession:




Teacher Li Jun said that the class atmosphere is active and the teacher's energy and spirit are very sufficient which passed a lot of positive energy to the students, and the emotional education is well done. She also made some suggestions:

(1) When presenting a new word, it should be combined with text and divided into syllables to help students break through pronunciation difficulties.

(2) When listening to the text, the teacher should return to the textbook, not just watching or following the video.

(3) After asking questions, the teacher should give students some time to think before answering.

(4) During the photo session, students can be motivated. 

Teacher Zhao Lina felt that Teacher Zhang had good time control, clear teaching ideas, rich classroom props, and students were very happy in the classroom. She also made some suggestions for Teacher Zhang. She said the questions should be short and refined, and group activities should give students more time to practise. 

Teachers Cai Li and Zeng Xiaojuan thought that Teacher Zhang had practiced more on target words and phrases, but the practice method is relatively simple, and there should be more ways to detect whether the student has mastered the pronunciation of the word. 

Teachers Li Xiaomei and Tan Qingqing said that Teacher Zhang had rich body language and many classroom activities, but she should speak less Chinese. 

In the end, Teacher Chen Bi made a concluding speech. She thought that the pros are as follows:

(1) The teacher was well prepared. Exquisite teaching aids, interesting courseware, and full presets of learning, all of these made this lesson exciting.

(2) Students had participated very enthusiastically. As a result of Teacher Zhang's careful preparation, every child found the class very interesting and was willing to participate in activities, which was also inseparable from the usual training of Mr. Zhang.

(3) Teacher Zhang's enthusiasm was soaring and infectious. 

At the same time, Mr. Chen pointed out some small details that need attention:

(1) Teachers should pay attention to their own pronunciation. They must be accurate and not give students wrong demonstrations.

(2) The new word “Christmas” should be processed at the beginning of the lesson, and the word should be divided into syllables.

(3) When asking questions, the teacher should pay attention to distinguishing between Chinese and Western festivals, and choose appropriate personal pronouns.

(4) Students did not master the word “present” well, and the target word “presents” was not enough practiced.

(5) The final presentation of the class should be accurately positioned, and students should be taught to face the audience directly, not back to the audience.

(6) You can take a few minutes to review the old lessons before class. 

Studio members benefited a lot from this event, and the discussions and exchanges made us grow to become exciting.

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