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Sino-Thai Languge Learning Buddy Programme Kicked off

           Sino-Thai Languge Learning Buddy Programme Kicked off

During the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to continue the friendship with Prince Royal’s College, Chiang Mai in Thailand, a total of 46 Chinese and Thai children participated in the "Chinese-Thai Language Learning Buddy Programme" activity by the end of 2020. 

Students in the program are both teachers and students. Chinese and Thai students work in pairs to teach each other their native language. Each participant can learn a foreign language: Thai or Chinese!


In order to better communicate with partners, both schools have trained students.Wen Chunrong, director of the Foreign Affairs Office, trained our students on the etiquette, teaching skills and teaching frequency of international network communication.Chinese teacher Luo Lijun, director of Sumitra, the student activities office of Prince Royal’s College, also provides training for Thai students.

Learning requires teaching materials. The Foreign Affairs Office has recruited a number of excellent Chinese and English teachers to compile Chinese textbooks as a foreign language. From December 2020 to the winter holiday, we met many times to discuss the content and format of the course.In order to help Thai students learn Chinese well and understand Chinese school life and Chinese culture, the textbook has decided on five topics and 20 lessons.The teaching content of each article starts from pinyin, including standard sentences, dialogues, vocabulary and culture introduction. Each item contains the teacher's wisdom and expectation.


In February 2021, winter vacation, the students met in Dingding. they introduced their interests and hobbies in English and discussed the study time every week. Since there is a one-hour time difference between China and Thailand, the partners have to decide in advance when to meet: "Thailand or China time", so that they don't leave each other waiting on the Internet and miss the language learning.

 The children used different ways to teach online, there are PPT production, the production of micro class video, there is the production of cards...During the whole winter holiday, the friendship between the Chinese and Thai friends increased rapidly.



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