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Sino-US on-line meeting on Managing Problematic Behavior

As a specialist school to practice cultural exchanges with other countries, Shuangliu Experimental Primary School held the 5th Sino-US on-line meeting to discuss the contributing factors of problematic behavior that occurs in class,to learn about strategies for reducing problematic behavior in the classroom,to analyze the ABC data collection (Antecedents,Behaviors,Consequences) and to manage problematic behaviors on Sept. 30.


American experts Carol Amoryo and Scott Regh gave the speech .Most our teachers attend the meeting,which helped them a lot,especially in the following points.

1) How to know the factors and function of problematic behaviors?

Method of ABC data collection that examines the antecedents and consequences for specified behaviors that allows us to better understand the function a behavior serves OR better analyze the antecedents of problematic behaviors.

Antecedent – What occurs just before the behavior is demonstrated

Time of day, who was present, what environmental conditions were evident, sequence of preceding events, etc.

Behavior – The demonstration of the defined problematic behavior

Consequence – What occurred immediately following the behavior

What changed in the environment?  Attention or reprimand provided?

Behavior ignored?  Child given access to an item?

Demand removed/delayed?


2) How to discover patterns related to a problem behavior and specific time periods through Scatter plot recording.

By cross referencing the data recorded on the scatter plot with a daily schedule, you may be able to decipher patterns of behavior that are correlated with the schedule.

Behavior that correlates to certain classes/activities

Behaviors that occur consistently at or near the same time each day

3)How to treat a problematic behavior

After a problematic behavior has been identified, defined and a hypothesis of the function is in place, proactive and reactive strategies are developed.

 After meeting,our teachers had a positive reaction with American experts.We look forward to the continuous exploration and learning can let us be better,be stronger.




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