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三年級 成晟誠(指導(dǎo)教師:陽慧琴) My Hero In Heart (我心中的英雄:袁隆平)  

 Yuan Longping is a Chinese agronomist, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in 1970s.With this great invention, China can feed nearly one-fifth of the world’s population with less than nine percent of world’s total land. Also, Hybrid rice has been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America, and Asia. 


五年級 趙思菲 趙思帆(指導(dǎo)教師:伍靜) Who Is Behind? (螳螂捕蟬黃雀在后)

Sophie: On a very hot day in summer. There is a tree in the garden. On it, there is a cicada. The cicada is resting on a tree branch, chirping away happily and drinking the dew.

Sophia: All of a sudden, a hungry mantis appears right behind the cicada. The mantis is sneaking up from behind, raising its front legs, ready to grab the cicada.


四年級 王思遠(yuǎn)(指導(dǎo)教師:熊林) Qian Xuesen- The Father Of China’s Missiles. (錢學(xué)森—導(dǎo)彈之父)

Mr. Qian Xuesen was born in Shanghai on December 11, 1911. After his graduation from National Jiao Tong University, he traveled across the Pacific Ocean to the United States for further study. There he received his PH. D. degrees in both aerospace and mathematics. Then he became a teacher as well as a researcher who studied rocket and missile theories. 


六年級 張峻翔 (指導(dǎo)教師:劉蝶)The Magic Paintbrush

“When can I have a paintbrush?” One night, an old man appeared. He gave the boy a magic paintbrush. Ma Liang was happy.

Ma Liang drew a bird with the paintbrush. The bird flew off the wall. Then he drew a dog. The dog jumped down and ran away.


二年級 周俊宇 (指導(dǎo)教師:曾倩)  Chisel The Wall And Steal The Light (鑿壁偷光)

Kuang Heng was born in a poor family. He liked reading books very much. He needed to work at daytime, so he had to read books during night. But he was too poor to buy a candle. 


六年級 彭子萱 (指導(dǎo)教師:官建英)Jing Wei Fills The Sea. (精衛(wèi)填海)

The sun shone on the calm sea. Princess Nuwa smiled at its reflection. It looked like a gold pebble in the water. Nuwa walked down to the beach. She slid her small boat into the water. She rowed out to sea.




Skyler  Chiang Mai Thailand The traditional Thai food. (傳統(tǒng)泰國食物)

We arrived at a Northern Thailand Food Restaurant called “Huen Jaiyong”. People think that Thai food is super spicy but the cooks work with many flavors such as sweet, sour, spicy and sometimes bitter. I’m super hungry now. Follow me! Let’s go upstairs.


WaWaRi Chiang Mai Thailand     A famous Thai food ----- Khao Soi

Khao Soi is a traditional Soup from Northern Thailand. It has been ranked as the world’s best soup, according to the online international food database TasteAltas in August 2022.

Khao Soi is the most famous Chiang Mai Coconut-curry noodle soup. It is a signature dish of Northern Thailand. 


Ratchsiree Limsirivite  Chiang Mai Thailand  Yee  Peng Lantern Festival

Every year in November, the sky lights up with thousands of floating paper lanterns in Chiang Mai. This festival of lights is known as Yi Peng or the Lanna festival, Chiang Mai. Yi Peng is part of the festival of lights in Northern Thailand to show respect to Buddha. This year, Yi Peng will be held on November 7th  - 9th , 2022. the day of the full moon is November 8 at night. People will release the lanterns to the sky to worship Jataka glass. The highlight of this event is the unleashing of the lanterns to the sky. It is believed that the flame in the lamp is a symbol of knowledge. The light from the lamp will lead to life in the right way. 


Chanya Assanasen Chiang Mai Thailand SongKran Festival

Hi. Today I’ll talk about SongKran Festival. It’s a traditional Thai New Year. We celebrate it from April 13th to April 15th. We celebrate it by splashing water to each other. Because Thai people think splashing water can splash the bad luck away. And we can go to the temple and go feeding animals. And we spend time with our families. We wear traditional Thai costumes. I like this SongKran Festival because I like to splash water with my friends. 






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