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Care about the country, go to the world

      In order to promote education reform and the development of international understanding education in the school,  to cultivate modern socialist talents with Chinese feelings and cross-cultural awareness, in the summer vacation of 2023, our 25 students and teachers went to Huan Yin International School, a well-known IB school in Singapore, and launched the summer school camp named "World Cultural Exchange Ambassadors".

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     During the five-day staying, students experienced Singapore education and explored the Lion City in the form of "half-day learning + half-day City experience".  Both teachers and students have improved their social skills and English proficiency.

     Ms. Zeng Qian of our School visited Bedok Green Primary School and discussed how to build a high-quality international education.  

Through this activity, the children have improved their self-care ability and learned how to integrate into collective life.  Realize the importance of learning a foreign language and how to go global in the future.





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