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Inheriting Culture and Enjoying Dragon Boat Festival

"Green poplars hang heavily in the rain, and five colors ofsilk wrap around zongzi." At the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, in order to further promote the traditional Chinese Culture, all teachers and students of Shuangliu Experimental Primary School watched the Dragon Boat Festival song and the dance performance by Class11 Grade2 through live broadcast.


In order to improve the understanding of the Dragon Boat Festival, each class also held a Dragon Boat Festival theme class meeting. Students learned about the Dragon Boat Festival, exchanged traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, and read classic poems of the Dragon Boat Festival together. The Dragon Boat Festival theme class meeting not only made students deeply feel the charm of Chinese traditional festivals, but also deepened their understanding of the origin, significance and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, further enhancing their understanding of traditional national culture.


Chinese traditional culture has a long and profound history. Through the theme class meeting of the Dragon Boat Festival, thestudents reviewed Qu Yuan's patriotism, cultivated great and deep patriotism, cultivated patriotism, strove to become a strong country, and practiced the journey of serving the country.


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