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Focus on literacy, improve middle management ability

At 7:30 PM on May 16,2023, YanJin Studio, a famous teacher of Chengdu Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School Group, namely the middle-level Cadre Management Literacy Training Studio, opened the first online meeting of this semester.The tutor of the studio is YanJin, vice principal of the general principal of Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental Primary School Group. The  students are 11 middle-level cadres from Shuangliu Experimental Primary School, the general school of the group, Jinqiao Primary School, Shuanghua  Pri-  mary School, Pengzhen Primary School, Shuangliu Experimental Primary School Foreign School and Jiujiang Primary School.

  At the beginning of the meeting, the students thought about and made  speeches on the three questions raised by their tutor Yan Jin.1. What is your original intention in administrative management?2. What are the difficulties and problems you encounter in management?3. What do you want to grow  from you in the studio?Hou Zhipeng, deputy director of the Moral Education Department of Chengdu Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School, first spoke,He said, "When I graduated from university, I came to Real School. I am grateful for the training and training of the school. The original intention of administration is to let myself shine where I am needed and make more contributions to education."Liu Zhiqiang from Shuangliu Experimental Foreign  Language Primary School talked about his confusion:“I do not only do the school administration work, but also undertake the teaching work of the two classes. How to allocate my time reasonably, so that I can better serve the students and lead the teachers....”Then we also speak out freely , express    their original intentions, confusions and hopes. Tutor YanJin analyzed, summarized and guided these problems.


 In the second item of the conference, tutor Yan Jin shared the theme of "Self-cultivation of Middle-level Cadres".She stressed that to be a good manager, we must first correctly understand your role positioning.Middle-level cadres are both school teachers, school cadres, Allies of colleagues and assistants of principals.In terms of management objects, the middle level is the disseminator and practitioner of school culture, the designer and promoter of curriculum construction, the guide and service of the development of teachers and students, and the discoverer and thinker of problem solving.As for how to practice, the tutor Yan Jin said: "both internal and external training" is an important content.Seek inward, to develop their own strong "confidence":1. Learning ability -- Make the major more "specialized", and strive to become an expert in the post.2.Thinking power -- become "superior" in thinking and solving problems.3. Practical force -- make the professional more "fine", industry makes perfect, only experience can really grow.4、Executive force -- a comprehensive display of height, speed and validity.5. The expression of the force -- to make the professional more "bright", to do, but also to   say.


The meeting lasted from 7:30 to 9:30 and lasted two hours.This was an efficient and pragmatic meeting. The students said that through this meeting, they had a new understanding of their role and a clearer direction in their work. On the way forward, with the guidance of their mentor Yan Jin and the company of their friends, they will surely encounter more beautiful scenery. Looking forward to the next reunion.

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